
Children's services

Children's services

Our services include adoption, social care, guidance and support, safeguarding, schools, education and the virtual school.


Adoption is one of the most challenging as well as the most rewarding ways of making a difference to a child鈥檚 life.


Different types of childcare and information on choosing the right type and the funding available.

Children's social care

Our aim is to work with parents, carers and young people together and to offer advice and support before a situation reaches crisis point.

Early Help family support

Early Help means providing help and support to a child, young person or their family.

Early Help guidance for professionals

Early Help guidance for professionals is here to provide information and guidance for Early Help agencies so they can support families to make positive change.

Education services

We provide education support services and training to over 1800 early years settings, schools and post-16 providers in 香港六合彩资料图库 and surrounding local authorities.

A family dressed as super heroes


Find out more about our Local Authority Fostering Service and how you can change the life of a child or young person.

Professionals, providers and policies (Children's Services)

Policies, strategies, support and guidance for care providers and professionals in children's social care.

Safeguarding and quality assurance for children

Key services such as Independent Reviewing Officer Service, Child Protection Coordinators, Local Authority Designated Officers and more.

SEND Local Offer

Information and advice for families with children and young people with SEN and/or disabilities.

Schools, education and learning

Find a school, school attendances, school meals, term dates, continuing to learn and how to apply for a primary or secondary school place.

Virtual Family Hub

We have developed this virtual family hub to give you a range of different types of resources to help to support you and your family.

Virtual School

Promoting high aspirations for our children placed in care and previously looked after, to ensure all pupils are given the opportunity to succeed and develop their full potential.

香港六合彩资料图库 Children First

Our vision is for 香港六合彩资料图库 to be a wonderful place for all children and young people to grow up.

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